NatCORR Critical Incident Response Workshops

The National Centre for Outdoor Risk & Readiness (NatCORR) is once again partnering with Dr Clare Dallat from Risk Resolve to present a series of Incident Response Workshops in August. Being responsible for the delivery of outdoor education programs to a large number of Victorian students every year, these workshops are ideally suited to you and your staff team.

Workshop dates are: Melbourne – August 16; Adelaide – August 19; Sydney – August 20; and Hobart – August 21. Bookings can be made here.

Transform Your Understanding and Response to Critical Incidents

Our immersive Incident Response Workshop will equip you and your team with the knowledge and skills to navigate high-stress situations with confidence and expertise. Here’s how you will benefit:

  1. Master the Science of Stress: Dive deep into the world of neurology and discover how extreme stress affects the brain. Gain insights into how this knowledge can dramatically improve your performance in high-stakes situations.
  2. Design Effective Response Plans: Learn how to craft a critical incident response plan that truly works. We’ll guide you through the essential components needed to ensure your plan is robust, reliable, and ready to be deployed when every second counts.
  3. Sharpen Your Skills Through Scenarios: Engage with realistic and meaningful scenarios that challenge you to think on your feet. Identify your strengths and uncover where you need to improve.
  4. Create Your Customised Action Template: Walk away with resources designed to help you plan and implement your own critical incident scenarios. This tailored tool ensures that the lessons learned can be directly applied to enhance safety and preparedness within your workplace or community.

Why Join Us?

  • Expert Guidance: Led by professionals with real-world experience in navigating critical incidents, our workshop offers you the rare opportunity to learn from the best.
  • Interactive Learning: Move beyond theory with practical exercises that simulate real-life challenges, ensuring you gain valuable hands-on experience.