Individual Membership

About Membership

Outdoor Health Australia is a member and volunteer driven organisation. In becoming a member, you are offering support for the current purpose, roles, intended actions, ethical principles and activities of the association. Via your membership, we invite you to contribute your expertise to the ongoing evolution of the outdoor health sector in Australia. Your fees go towards our annual costs of insurance and basic administrational costs.

Membership Fee Structure

  • Membership runs for one year from the date of sign-up and is payable in advance.
  • Individual membership fee $40.00 pa
  • Individual student membership fee $20.00 pa (full time student only and proof of student status for the duration of membership is required)
  • Organisational membership fee $120.00 pa (if more than three named representatives required, additional names are at 50% of the individual member rate)

Membership fees will be increasing from October 2024 to maintain our financial sustainability as an organisation. Apply now to take advantage of current rates!

Member Benefits

The vast majority of work undertaken by OHA is done by volunteers. The minimal annual fee structure is an important contribution towards covering our overheads.

Individual, student and organisational member benefits

Members-only resources, including videos, research and training libraries (Coming soon!)

Discounted rates to the OHA forum, networking events, professional development and training

Access to support, expertise and resources through your regional representative

Invitation to be involved in OHA research, projects, working parties

As well as:

  • Use of OHA Logo to demonstrate associated status as a individual member
  • Take a role in shaping the direction of the outdoor health space

Organisational member benefits

In addition to individual benefits:

Name up to three representatives of the organisation who can access individual member benefits

Organisational listing on OHA website and link from OHA website to member organisation website

Opportunity to promote events, promote training, promote job opportunities via eNews and/or social media

Use of OHA Logo to demonstrate associated status as an organisational member.

Learn more about member resources or our video library.

Application Process

Once you have filled in the application form below, your membership will conditionally active and will be forwarded to the OHA Board for approval. While it is rare that individuals or organisations are refused membership, we do reserve that right and would discuss this with you at the earliest possibility. If in the event that membership is not accepted, we would refund full payment to you. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to get in touch.

Individual Membership Application or Renewal Form

New Membership
Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.

It is now required that you create a user account while joining as a member. If you have previously registered for an event please use the same email address you have used previously so that our system matches the contacts. If you cant use the same email address, send us a quick note once you have signed up ([email protected]) to let us know yout previous email address and we can merge the contacts.

When you are creating a user name, please only use lower case letters, hyphens or underscores.

Your details
What organisation do you represent?

Do you agree to have your name, email address and region (state/ territory) listed in our members only section of the website?

Do you agree to have your name and state/ territory listed on a publicly viewable page on the AABAT website?

By selecting 'yes' here, as a new or renewing member, you acknowledge you have made yourself aware of our intended actions and ethical principles as far as they are developed at present and agree to act in accordance with them?

AABAT Inc. intend to promote safe and effective use of Bush Adventure Therapy and related approaches. We are working towards providing a framework for accreditation for this field of practice. At this point we ask members to opperate in line with our 'intended actions' and 'ethical principles'.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address